This application is a combination of Shri Ramdev Chalisa, Shri Ramdev ji ki Aarti and Shri Ramdev Images.
Shri Ramdev Pir is a Hindu folk deity of Rajasthan in India. He was a ruler of the fourteenth century, said to have miraculous powers who devoted his life for the upliftment of downtrodden and poor people of the society. He is worshiped today by many social groups of India as Ishta-deva. He is revered by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
You will be happy to see such a nice combination in one single application with Shri Ramdev Chalisa and Shri Ramdev ji ki Aarti in Audible and text format and and Shri Ramdev Images.
$$ ALL IN 1 APP $$
This Application is dedicated to Shri Ramdev.
All the rights and Copyright are reserved to the owner and we only get it from public domain free. If any copyright or violation of policies in this app then mail us.
Это приложение представляет собой сочетание Шри Ramdev Chalisa, Шри Ramdev джи ки аарти и Шри Ramdev Images.
Шри Ramdev Пир индуистский народное божество Раджастхан в Индии. Он был правителем четырнадцатого века, как говорят, есть чудесные силы, которые посвятили свою жизнь ради духовного подъема угнетенных и бедных людей, общества. Ему поклоняются сегодня многими социальными группами Индии как Ишта-девы. Он почитается индусами, мусульманами и сикхами.
Вы будете рады видеть такую хорошую комбинацию в одном приложении с Шри Ramdev Chalisa и Шри Ramdev джи ки Аарти в Audible и текстовом формате и и Шри Ramdev Images.
$$ ALL IN 1 APP $$
Это приложение посвящено Шри Ramdev.
Все права и авторские права сохраняются за владельцем, и мы только получить его из общественного достояния свободной. Если какой-либо авторских прав или нарушение политики в этом приложении, то напишите нам.
This application is a combination of Shri Ramdev Chalisa, Shri Ramdev ji ki Aarti and Shri Ramdev Images.
Shri Ramdev Pir is a Hindu folk deity of Rajasthan in India. He was a ruler of the fourteenth century, said to have miraculous powers who devoted his life for the upliftment of downtrodden and poor people of the society. He is worshiped today by many social groups of India as Ishta-deva. He is revered by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
You will be happy to see such a nice combination in one single application with Shri Ramdev Chalisa and Shri Ramdev ji ki Aarti in Audible and text format and and Shri Ramdev Images.
$$ ALL IN 1 APP $$
This Application is dedicated to Shri Ramdev.
All the rights and Copyright are reserved to the owner and we only get it from public domain free. If any copyright or violation of policies in this app then mail us.